Architecting a career in todays world of word of work that ignites your curiosity, engages a sense of purpose while at the same time enables you to be resilient and nimble in the future is what we all want, right? Technology used to be a career- specific pursuit only for people who wanted to work with computers. Today every industry is touched by technology. But making sense of how it all fits together, how and where to focus your energy is often lost in the sea of digital overload. At the same time, the way we think about education and learning has evolved as well. The traditional model of higher education is no longer the single path to preparing for today’s careers! now means building skills In today’s data driven marketplace, the skills and training that employers seek has changed dramatically. The impact and speed of innovation across all industries continues to demand a new combination of skills from our workforce.
As a woman with over 20 years in the science and tech industries, I am more than a career coach, I work as your personal Career Agent helping you make meaningful career connections.
— Carolne Dennis

As a Career CoolHunter, I do just that, I “Cool Hunt” the noisy and exciting technology job marketplace to help YOU the job seeker:

Better understand the jobs and career paths in techDiscover your professional passionsBuild a skills and training roadmapDevelop career connections and community


what is Career Coolhunter?

In my practice, I constantly dig into a wide range of technical topics, research companies, communities, projects and people both online and in-person that are most relevant now and in the future.  These range anywhere from Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Agile, Virtual Reality, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Social Sciences, Informatics, and Automation. 

As your Career Agent, once we build your job goals and profile, I identify and connect you with people and companies doing work or hiring talent that align with your interests.  This is different than recruitment because I work for YOU, instead of an employer, as your personal Agent helping you build meaningful job connections that can lead to landing your dream job!  

I also seek out and attend all kinds of meetups, Hackathons, conferences and industry events where I network and connect my clients.  Because the work and people stretch across the world, I help clients and foster connections around the globe and stay active on news that affects the industries and people with whom I engage.  

Awards and Recognition

2010 New Mexico Business Weekly Small Business Heavyweight Award

2008 NMITSA Women in Technology Award

2005 Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Award

2005 NMITSA IT Excellence Award for Achievement in Industry Leadership






  • Nearly 10 years in fundraising and institutional advancement for hospitals, medical schools and museums. Organizations: Yale College, Yale School of Medicine, Brigham & Women's Hospital and the Museum of New Mexico Foundation.

  • Over 17 years started and built two technology companies: an IT and security professional services firm, and a Wireless Internet Services Provider. Sold both companies to larger service providers. Companies: Wired Nation, Inc. and Grappa Wireless Internet.

  • Mentored and supported students in tech and security careers, volunteered and planned STEM events for girls, gave talks on IT and security careers at conferences. Organizations: Expanding Your Horizons, National Celebration of Women in Technology, Women in Cyber Security Conference.

  • Advised and mentored high school grads, college students, and non-traditional learners on technical training and careers, collaboration, professional core skills and project-based learning. Organizations: STEM Career Catalyst, University of Southern Maine, University of New England Academy of Digital Sciences.