Let's uncover the career that fires you up

Jobs and careers are built by people.  Ask anyone how they got that job they love.  More often than not it was not because of a traditional job search, or their resume alone.  It likely was through a connection or a person who connected them with the right people at the right time.  A door opens, and it leads to another, then another...

At Career CoolHunter I help those seeking time and space to uncover and develop their professional passions and connect them with people doing work that they are interested in as well as with those seeking talent.

If you are:

  • Just starting your career and want to find a tech career you can be passionate about
  • Making a career change and want relevant on-the-ground tech industry intelligence
  • Already in a tech driven job and want to pivot to a role that is more disruptive and ensures that your skills will be relevant
  • Looking for your own personal career Agent to advocate and introduce you to hiring managers and experts in the tech industry
  • Relocating or considering a move but want to understand and connect with the tech community, the people, and the companies

As a Career Agent, I don’t just advise and mentor my clients seeking sustainable career paths, I leverage my deep networks in science, technology and business to facilitate the right connections. Let me quiet the noise so you can supercharge your career!